Watch the "DNA For Detectives" Webinar

"DNA For Detectives"
Understanding Your DNA Evidence
Recorded: Friday, March 12th, 2020
Duration: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes
- Overview of the Webinar:
After viewing this webinar, participants will:
- Understand the basics about Parabon's Snapshot investigative genetic genealogy, DNA phenotyping and kinship inference tools and technologies;
- Learn how to use the Snapshot results to advance violent criminal investigations;
- Be able to effectively select DNA samples that are best suited for a Snapshot analysis, including mixtures and highly degraded DNA; and
- Understand a Snapshot case investigation workflow (end-to-end).
- Who Should Watch:
This webinar is ideal for detectives in homicide and sex crimes units, DNA analysts, prosecutors, and law enforcement agency leaders.
NOTE: This public webinar is intended for law enforcement personnel only. If you have 10 or more participants from your organization and you would prefer to host a free private educational session for your agency, please request a demonstration.
For ordering information, please contact or call (703) 689-9689 x251